Category: General

The Holy Season of Lent

On Wednesday, March 6, we will begin the Lenten season. The forty day period of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday and continues until Easter Sunday, is typically marked by fasting, prayer and performing good deeds and charitable acts. During Lent, we perform many good deeds and charitable acts. Doing things for the good of others, and serving others selflessly is central to our Catholic ... Continue reading "The Holy Season of Lent"

Pancake Tuesday

Pancakes are associated with the day preceding Lent because they were a way to use up rich foods such as eggs, milk, and sugar, before the fasting season of the 40 days of Lent. The liturgical fasting emphasized eating plainer food and refraining from food that would give pleasure: in many cultures, this means no meat, dairy products, or eggs.

On ... Continue reading "Pancake Tuesday"

Celebrating Students Who Exemplified the Virtue – Unity

  ... Continue reading "Celebrating Students Who Exemplified the Virtue – Unity"

Teacher Name Student Name Reason for Student Being Selected to Receive the Virtue – Unity Pianezza Luca B. Luca engages enthusiastically with all classmates.  His warm smile makes his peers feel welcomed and appreciated during our FDK program.  His inclusiveness demonstrates the value he places on others, and is a testament to his belief that we all have Jesus within us.   Sansalone Silvie

January Update

Hockey Update

The final results are now official and the semi-final matches have been decided. The final semi-final positions were decided by net goals for and against where there were ties in points. Congratulations to our Junior All Stars Hockey team for advancing to the Semi-Finals.  The standings and playoff schedule are posted on the RH Winter Carnival ESHT pa ... Continue reading "January Update"

Kindergarteners at Our Lady of the Annunciation make “Hats for the Homeless”

“Hold fast to stars.  Hold fast to the elusive, the intangible, the never-to-be-had.  For stars fall from heaven sometimes, and kings are born in barns, and miracles rise up out of little things.”                                – ANONYMOUS –  Catholic Teacher

In October, Mrs. T. Pianezza began reading stories about the virtue of Compassion to her class of Kindergarteners.  She has always believed that, regardless of ... Continue reading "Kindergarteners at Our Lady of the Annunciation make “Hats for the Homeless”"