Phase 1 of At Home Learning

Dear Parents,

As we continue to observe the first week of the mandatory Ministry of Education school closure due to Covid 19, I hope that you and your families are staying safe. Today, the staff at Our Lady of the Annunciation met in a virtual staff meeting.  I’m happy to report that all staff are doing well and everyone is thinking about the OLA students and their families.

Most of the messaging around the school closure has been and will continue to come from the YCDSB Director Mr. Ab Falconi.  I can appreciate that there are many questions and uncertainties, but I want you to know that I am working with senior admin to navigate every situation. To that end, today, during our staff meeting, the following next steps were shared:

  1. The school is closed so both staff and students are not allowed to come to the building.

  2. Playgrounds/Schoolyards Closed – Following direction from our public health partners and the provincial government, all YCDSB school yards and playgrounds are closed to the public. Walking through a school yard with your dog or your family is one thing, however, we ask you not to gather or engage in activities there. Play structures in the OLA Childcare area are not sanitized and staying away supports the government direction to avoid close-proximity activities.

  3. You will be receiving a phone call from your child’s classroom teacher to check up on their students before the end of this week. Some or most of these phone calls will come from blocked numbers as teachers are using their personal phone lines.

  4.  During this two (2) week period (March 23 – April 3), called Phase 1, the focus is on distance learning through the Ministry of Education (MOE) Learn at Home online portal. Phase 1 is not focused on assessment or formal lessons; it is about providing opportunities for students to continue their learning through the MOE portal and other online resources. In keeping with this direction, YCDSB teachers are asked to refrain from posting formal lessons or assigning work during Phase 1. Students are encouraged to visit this site.

  5. Plans are underway to support students during Phase 2.  More information will follow.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out linda.d’

Stay well,

Linda D’Andrea