Principal’s Message Regarding At Home Learning

In just a matter of days, our lives have been impacted tremendously by the COVID-19 outbreak.  Please know you are not in it alone. If you need anything during this time, I’m an email away.  I’m missing the students and I’ve been thinking a lot about them and wondering how they are doing.  I hope their spirits remain strong and positive. 

On Friday, Premier Doug Ford joined Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education to launch the first phase of Learn at Home , a new online portal that will provide resources for families so students can continue their education while schools are closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. It doesn’t replace school, but offers an alternative for the time being.  Learn at Home offers all students math and literacy resources, created by Ontario-certified educators. Elementary resources are designed to help young students learn at home with interactive activities that encourage participation through entertaining and stimulating digital content. The government is also providing access to course content for students who take the initiative to refresh and extend their learning. 

Please have your child(ren) check their Google Classroom regularly.  Some teachers are now posting messages, assignments, questions, or lessons. 

I highly recommend the following links to excellent resources with activities related to Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Social Studies.

  1. Scholastic classroom magazines team has created a free “Learning at Home” hub for teachers and families which presents 21 days of engaging, knowledge-building learning journeys for different grade levels (K-8)  that can be accessed at home by kids on any device, even phones.
  2. STEM Camp is providing free activities to families during the three-week period at home at no charge. The resource is a downloadable booklet that includes DIY STEM activities that parents can do at home with their children using materials found in the home; STEM contests with prizes; STEM puzzles and more. The Campaign is entitled STEM Camp @ Home and can be found here:
  3. Prodigy – This is a Math resource that is very interactive and keeps students engaged by completing grade level math questions related to the Ontario Curriculum.  Ask your child if they have a Prodigy username and password and have them log on to continue math practice.
  4. Spend time working on puzzles, board games, playing cards, making arts and crafts, build with playdough or Lego and play outside. Engage students in baking, cooking, household chores and helping around the house. 
  5. If you need support in teaching your kids about coronavirus click here .

Finally, please know that you’ve got this!  Each of you are raising amazing kids. You are teaching them so many important life skills through this experience.  Just take time to enjoy your kids, have fun with them and love them. They will remember that for the rest of their lives.  We will get through this.  

As more information becomes available by the Board, Public Health Officials, or the Ministry of Education, I will be in touch with you.  Again, if you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing me linda.d’

Stay well,

Linda D’Andrea

Proud Principal, Our Lady of the Annunciation School