Remembrance Day Liturgy
Please join us on Friday, November 11, 2016 at 10:45am in the gymnasium for a Remembrance Day Liturgy prepared by Mrs. Thompson’s Grade 8 class.
Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Elementary School
Holding Mother Mary's Hand, We Always Strive For Peace!
Please join us on Friday, November 11, 2016 at 10:45am in the gymnasium for a Remembrance Day Liturgy prepared by Mrs. Thompson’s Grade 8 class.
Sahand was the lucky winner of the Vice Principal for the Day prize at the chocolate fundraiser raffle. As Vice Principal, Sahand will have an opportunity to implement some of his own rules for the day. Sahand has declared Wednesday, November 15 a Pyjama Day. He will allow gum chewing and will allow students to wear their caps in the school. Finally, students will be ... Continue reading "Congratulations Sahand D. Vice Principal for the Day"
A Message from Catholic School Council
In keeping with our school’s REUSE and RECYCLE initiative, we are having a dress code swap/sale during Parent Teacher interviews November 23rd and 24th.
If you have gently used dress code items that your child has outgrown, please send it with them on Monday, November 20th to Wednesday, November 22nd. Please ensure the clothing is ... Continue reading "Dress Code Swap/Sale"
On Friday, November 10th, we will hold a Remembrance Day Liturgy of the Word to remember those who fought for our freedom, and for those who continue to work to keep our world safe. Each student will receive a sticker poppy on this morning (provided by the Royal Canadian Legion in Aurora) – any and all donations are appreciated! Thank you to Mrs. Carinci’s Grade ... Continue reading "Remembrance Day Liturgy"
Hello O.L.A. Community! Our Eco Club is up and running once again this year! The Ontario Eco Schools Program is an environmental education program that incorporates environmental education with environmentally-responsible actions. We were awarded Platinum Certification in June 2017, the highest level, and we look forward to maintaining this standing. We have several students in grades 4-8 that have joined the environmental club to help ... Continue reading "A Message from the ECO Club"
Our Lady of the Annunciation Church is happy to announce that His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins will be celebrating mass at our church on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at the 11:00am mass in honour of the 175th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Following the mass Cardinal Collins will join our parish family in the church hall for a reception. We look forward to seeing ... Continue reading "Mass with His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins – Sunday, October 22, 2017"