December Newsletter
Please find the December Newsletter attached for your information on upcoming events and activities.
Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Elementary School
Holding Mother Mary's Hand, We Always Strive For Peace!
Please find the December Newsletter attached for your information on upcoming events and activities.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! We invite you to share in this celebration of books and reading with us. The Book Fair will be running from Monday, November 21st to Thursday, November 24th, and will be open the evening of parent-teacher interviews. Did you know that for every $10 you spend at the book fair, up to $6 ... Continue reading "Scholastic Book Fair Comes to OLA"
All parents will be invited to participate in Parent-Teacher interviews so that your child’s progress can be addressed in more detail. Parent-Teacher interviews for students in grades JK-8 will be November 24th and 25th. We hope you will commend your children for the efforts that they are making and help them to plan ways to continue to improve.
Please save the date! We invite you to attend the OLA Kindergarten and Primary Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 21st at 6:30pm in the gymnasium. We look forward to seeing you there!
Enjoy this special iMovie.
This coming week, November 14th-18th is Bullying Prevention and Intervention Week. The theme this year is “Stand Up” (to bullying)! We believe in prevention through education and awareness so throughout the week, students will take part in several activities and presentations both in their classroom and as a whole school. Daily bullying awareness announcements will be made after prayers by our Student Council members. Teachers ... Continue reading "Bullying Prevention and Intervention Week"