Category: General

Black History Month

In light of celebrating Black history month we are pleased to announce that HOZA! Creative Mediation will be performing at Our Lady of the Annunciation on Wednesday, February 15th at 1:45pm in the gym for grades 1-8. The performance Mandela: gifts from a leader is a joyous celebration and tribute to the life of Nelson Mandela. In 1998 Mandela addressed 40,000 students at ... Continue reading "Black History Month"

Healthy Lunch Challenge

One of our Healthy Schools initiatives is learning about nutrition and healthy eating.  Students at Our Lady of the Annunciation will be participating in a Healthy Lunch Challenge.  This event will run this week from January 23-27, 2017.  All students are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch that includes at least 3 food groups from the Canada Food Guide.  Students will track their lunch choices ... Continue reading "Healthy Lunch Challenge"

Pizza Order Form

Pizza Order Form for Term 2 may be found under the Forms Tab above. Deadline for submission of form and payment is February 7th. Thank you to our Catholic School Council Hot Lunch Committee for organizing lunches for students.