Category: General

A Message from the ECO Club

Hello O.L.A. Community! Our Eco Club is up and running once again this year! The Ontario Eco Schools Program is an environmental education program that incorporates environmental education with environmentally-responsible actions. We were awarded Platinum Certification in June 2017, the highest level, and we look forward to maintaining this standing. We have several students in grades 4-8 that have joined the environmental club to help ... Continue reading "A Message from the ECO Club"

Mass with His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins – Sunday, October 22, 2017

Our Lady of the Annunciation Church is happy to announce that His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins will be celebrating mass at our church on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at the 11:00am mass in honour of the 175th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Following the mass Cardinal Collins will join our parish family in the church hall for a reception. We look forward to seeing ... Continue reading "Mass with His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins – Sunday, October 22, 2017"

Terry Fox Run – A HUGE Success

Our school level Terry Fox Walk was a huge success.  The students walked, ran, jogged, hopped in memory of someone special.  $3, 182.00 was collected on behalf of the OLA school community and will be donated to the Terry Fox Cancer Research Association. Thank you to the OLA community for your unwavering generosity!

Thanksgiving Food Drive and Winter Coat Drive

As a staff we are committed to engaging the children in a number of social justice and character building initiatives throughout the year.  One such event is our Saint Vincent de Paul Winter Coat Drive 2017 which will run from October 10-20.  We would appreciate any coats that have been outgrown or other winter items such as hats, mittens and boots.  It’s our way of ... Continue reading "Thanksgiving Food Drive and Winter Coat Drive"

Butterfly Garden & Outdoor Classroom Re-juvination

You may recall that our ECO team was awarded a $5,000.00 grant from TD Friends for the Environment to re-juvinate our butterfly garden.  The work was completed this summer and students will begin to enjoy the outdoor classroom.  New logs surround a beautiful garden with native plants that attract butterflies.  The beautiful service berry tree will provide shade during the hot, summer months.  The smaller ... Continue reading "Butterfly Garden & Outdoor Classroom Re-juvination"