Category: General

Schoolyard Safety

We are trying to keep our schoolyard safe by  reminding students regularly to play safely and obey these basic rules:

 ♦ No physical contact – keep hands and feet to yourself

♦ No contact sports

♦ Use soft balls such as tennis balls, Nerf balls

♦ Keep the snow on the ground – no throwing/kicking of snow, ... Continue reading "Schoolyard Safety"

Earth Rangers School Assembly for Grades 1-6  

ECO Committee:

The Earth Rangers School Assembly will take place on January 18th for students in Grades 1-6.  The dynamic and interactive presentation will leverage the shared, innate connection children of all backgrounds have to animals. Through the power of live animal demonstrations and positive, science-based information, the program will educate students about the importance of protecting biodiversity while highlighting real conservation initiatives ... Continue reading "Earth Rangers School Assembly for Grades 1-6  "

Our Lady of the Annunciation All Stars Junior and Senior Hockey Team

There was an overwhelming interest by students to play for the OLA Junior and Senior Hockey Teams at this year’s Richmond Hill Winter Carnival Hockey Tournament. Given the level of competition and the number of students who expressed interest, it was deemed necessary to select only those students demonstrating skill who are presently playing organized hockey.

The tournament games will be played at ... Continue reading "Our Lady of the Annunciation All Stars Junior and Senior Hockey Team"

Thank you to our Catholic School Council for Supporting our School Goals

Our fall chocolate fundraiser was a great success and all the funds collected will go directly back to the students. Thanks to the Catholic School Council, we were able to purchase a class Tech Tub with a class set of Chromebooks. The staff and students are delighted to use the chromebooks as enhancement to instruction. Students are becoming more and more proficient with Google Apps ... Continue reading "Thank you to our Catholic School Council for Supporting our School Goals"

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Lunchtime Program

We were excited to have STEM MINDS at our assembly to talk about the exciting new lunch time programs we will be offering in the new year, the STEAM Discovery Club (Grades K-3) and the Coding & Robotics Club (Grades 4-8)! The programs will run Mondays at lunchtime starting in January; see the attached flyers for more details.