Category: General

Annual Family BBQ and Fun Fair

OLA’s Annual Family BBQ and Fun Fair was a HUGE success!

Thank you to our Catholic School Council for organizing the event and a special thank you to all of the parent, staff and student volunteers.  Everyone enjoyed a wide variety of activities like inflatables, face painting, balloons,  games and more.  The bar-b-que was delicious and the company was a pleasure!  Everyone enjoyed ... Continue reading "Annual Family BBQ and Fun Fair"

June Report Cards

Parents will receive your child’s report card on Thursday, June 28th.   This report reflects progress for the second term only and is not cumulative.   If you are leaving earlier,  please advise the office of your current mailing address, and provide us with a self addressed envelope, and your child’s report card will be mailed.



Track and Field Day at St. Maximilian Kolbe – Tuesday, June 19th

Teacher coaches will be preparing the students for the various Track & Field events being held at St. Maximilian Kolbe on June 19.  Special thanks to Mrs. Heinrich for organizing Track and Field at OLA.  Also, thank you to the staff who will take the top athletes in each age group and train with them to help them achieve their personal best in the various ... Continue reading "Track and Field Day at St. Maximilian Kolbe – Tuesday, June 19th"

Calling All Gardeneners

We are looking for some families who would be interested in watering and weeding the front flower beds during the months of July and August. We are hoping to have eight families volunteer and  be responsible for the garden for one week only. If you are interested, please contact the school office and leave a message for Mme. Turchiaro.  She will contact you and provide ... Continue reading "Calling All Gardeneners"

A Message from the ECO Club

It has been a busy year for the Eco Club! From Waste Free Lunches to Earth Week activities, ambassadors have been working hard to inspire and teach the school about various environmental programs like proper recycling, and working on different campaigns like Water Awareness and Active Transportation.  On Tuesday May 22nd, a representative from Ontario Eco Schools came to O.L.A   for a site visit.  She ... Continue reading "A Message from the ECO Club"