On Monday, February 27th, we will welcome author Michael Wade to OLA. He will speak to students in Grades 3-6 about his series called, “And Then It Happened”. Students will enjoy his dynamic, humourous presentation which focuses on the power of words and the fun and importance of reading. Michael talks about the writing process that students are taught in school (rough draft, editing, revision, final draft) and compares that to what an author does when writing a book. He shows copies of his (very) rough drafts, edited copies of his work, and the final product. He will engage the students in a short, fun writing activity which will demonstrate to students that anyone can be a humour writer. Michael will read a story that he is currently working on. He asks for audience feedback and suggestions, alternate endings and what the students would do if they were the main character. Some of the best suggestions come from kids! Students who pre-ordered copies of his books will receive their signed copy on Monday.